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5 Signs It’s Time To Hire A Professional Interior Designer

If you’ve ever made the decision to tackle a home improvement project or redesign, you may or may not have a sense of how much work is involved. It sounds easy at first:

  • Pick some paint colors
  • Choose a new light fixture
  • Shop! Install! LOVE!

The good news is that YES, choosing the colors, fabrics and finishes can be very fun. But the bad news is this: it takes a LOT of work. More work than you may be prepared to do on your own. Many people think that going it alone will help them save money. In the end, we’ve found that while your initial cost may be low (designers can’t work for free!), you end up spending more in the long run because you aren’t getting exactly what you want, so you keep buying more and more stuff to get you where you originally envisioned.

Whether you’ve hit a roadblock and are ready to have a pro come in and save the day or if you already know you don’t want to go it alone, here are five signs that it’s time to hire a designer.

Afraid to Take the first Step

You may be a fan of home improvement TV shows and get so inspired when you see what the hosts do to improve someone’s home, or you may get an idea from a great magazine or article you read online. But when it comes to your own space, it’s hard to know where to begin. You see your home every day, but a designer can come in with fresh eyes and help you put a plan together to get the result you want. They can take the fear out of dipping your toe in the design pool and get you excited about jumping into a project!


There are a LOT of choices out there, and it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in options. From paint colors to furniture and window treatments galore, choosing elements you not only like but work together well in a room takes some finesse. Designers have an eye for creating spaces that are not only functional but beautiful, and having someone take the lead can reduce your stress and help you feel more at ease during your renovation or redesign. If you tell your designer you’re overwhelmed, they can narrow down hundreds of choices so that you can focus on what’s really important to you.

Ideas on Paper. Only.

Perhaps you have the perfect design already worked out. Great! Now, do you know who to hire to get that fantastic tile work done? How about where to buy your new favorite pillows? Does that store ship to the Caribbean? What’s a good price for renovation work? Sometimes implementing a great idea takes more knowledge than the average person has. An interior designer does this all day, every day and can help connect you with the right contractors and vendors to make your vision come to life.

Can’t Visualize End Product

Sometimes it’s hard to picture the sofa you love from one place going with the paint color you picked working with your new flooring. And don’t even start on extras and home accessories. If you know what you like when you see it but have a hard time envisioning everything working together, a designer will have a great eye and can tell you if your ideas are all headed in the same direction.

A designer can also make recommendations that you may not be thinking about but could really make a big visual difference in your home.

Don’t Have Time

Plain and simple, good design takes time. Have a professional take some of the tasks off your plate so you can get the project DONE and then enjoy it.

About Lagnappe Custom Interiors

Lagnappe Custom Interiors is a full-service interior design firm specializing in bringing the small niceties to a home or commercial space that make it memorable, functional and yours. Based out of St. Thomas, Lagnappe [LAN-YAP] is led by Tiffany Cassidy who enjoys working with clients to create a home that reflects their style and needs. Tiffany marries her artistic and scientific sides together to bring the residents of the Virgin Islands and continental U.S. an interior decorating service that manages the complex and turns it into beauty. Her goal is to not only make a home prettier, but in doing so, make your life better. Visit for more information.

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